Enthought Canopy

3D Scientific Data Visualization and Plotting

Enthought Canopy Editor

Enthought's Canopy Geoscience environment allows easy exploration of your data in 2D or 3D. The data is accessible from the embedded Python environment,. It is best known for the early development and maintenance of the SciPy library of mathematics, science, and engineering algorithms and for its Python for scientific computing distribution Enthought Canopy (formerly EPD). The company was founded in 2001 by Travis Vaught and Eric Jones. When I go to Products-Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) section from their website menu, I get the options to download Enthought Deployment Manager and Enthought Canopy but no option for. Installing Enthought Canopy Python Enthought Canopy is a Python distribution that bundles the Python programming language and over 300 Python packages for scientific computing, some of which provide spatial analysis and/or GIS functionality. Request an academic account on the Enthought website.

The Mayavi project includes two related <em>packages</em> for 3-dimensional visualization:

  • Mayavi : A tool for easy and interactive visualization of data, withseamless integration with Python scientific libraries.
  • TVTK: A Traits-based wrapper for the Visualization Toolkit, a popular open-source visualization library.

These libraries operate at different levels of abstraction. TVTK manipulates visualization objects, while Mayavi lets you operate on your data, and then see the results. Most users either use the Mayavi user interface or program to its scripting interface; you probably don't need to interact with TVTK unless you want to create a new Mayavi module.

Enthought Canopy Python Download


Mayavi seeks to provide easy and interactive visualization of 3-D data. It offers:

  • An (optional) rich user interface with dialogs to interact with all data andobjects in the visualization.
  • A simple and clean scripting interface in Python, includingone-liners, or an object-oriented programming interface. Mayaviintegrates seamlessly with numpy and scipy for 3D plotting and can evenbe used in IPython interactively, similarly to Matplotlib.
  • The power of the VTK toolkit, harnessed through these interfaces, without forcing you to learn it.

Additionally Mayavi is a reusable tool that can be embedded in your applications in different ways or combined with the Envisage application-building framework to assemble domain-specific tools.



TVTK wraps VTK objects to provide a convenient, Pythonic API, while supporting Traits attributes and NumPy/SciPy arrays. TVTK is implemented mostly in pure Python, except for a small extension module.Developers typically use TVTK to write Mayavi modules, and then use Mayavi to interact with visualizations or create applications.

The Mayavi application.

Last updated: Tue 21 November 2017

Enthought Canopy is a Python distribution that bundles the Python programminglanguage and over 300 Python packages for scientific computing, some of whichprovide spatial analysis and/or GIS functionality.
  1. Request an academic account on the Enthought website.
  2. Once you have an academic account, login to the Enthought website and download the 64-bit version of Canopy.
  3. Installing Enthought Canopy
    • Install the downloaded file as you would any piece of software. Use all the defaults unless you're comfortable changing things.
    • The software is now 'installed', but is not really usable yet.
    • Launch the Canopy application to begin the setup process. On a Mac you may need to go to the Applications folder and right-click the Canopy app and select Open (this is only required the first time).
    • I recommend using all the defaults, including making Canopy your default Python. Note that this version of Python does not conflict with the Python installed by ESRI.
    • Log in to your Enthought account in the Canopy application. example
    • Click the Package Manager button. example
    • Click Updates in the left pane. example
    • Click the Install all Updates button in the lower-right. example

(RECOMMENDED) Install a Good Text Editor

A good text editor will make coding easier and more fun.
  • Mac: TextWrangler
  • Windows: Notepad++

(OPTIONAL) Using ArcGIS with Canopy Python

When you install ArcGIS, you also get a version of Python, a limited set of open source packages and ESRI's packages (e.g., arcpy). What you have done so far will not impact ArcGIS or the Python that comes with ArcGIS (at least as far as I've tested). The following steps allow you to access ArcGIS's python packages AND Canopy's large set of open source packages in the same Python environment.
32-bit vs. 64-bit: Your versions of Canopy and ArcGIS must match. If the setup below doesn't work it is probably due to mismatched architecture. In general, 64-bit is preferred to 32-bit since it can hold much more data in memory, but the python scripts inside your version of ArcGIS may not be 64-bit.
Enthought Canopy
  1. Figure out the path to the ArcGIS installation on your machine. It's probably on C: or some directory of programs on C:. We will call this C:pathtoArcGIS.
  2. Figure out the path to the Enthought installation on your machine. It's probably in your user space on C:. We will call this C:Usersyour_nameAppDataLocalEnthought. If you do not see the AppData directory on your machine, then it is probably hidden; follow this link to unhide it.
  3. Open a text editor (e.g., Notepad or Notepad++), and enter the following lines (you will replace pathto with the path on your machine):
  4. # .pth file for arcpy

  5. Save the content of the text editor as zzArcGIS.pth.
  6. Move zzArcGIS.pth to C:Usersyour_nameAppDataLocalEnthoughtCanopy32Userlibsite-packages.
You should now be able to import arcpy into you Canopy Python environment. If you want more details on this process or want to import Canopy packages when you're in ArcGIS Python, click here.

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