Merge Two Photos Libraries

Rob, I have an external drive that is backed up and I use it to archive my photos off my main laptop every year. It’s connected to Lightroom, I move folders manually inside Lightroom to keep things organized.

And keeping Lightroom Classic from freaking out. That was just too long for a title, but that’s what I set out to do. I’ve had the bulk of my photo library stored on two external drives (each 2TB capacity), and one of them started making that weird sound of doom that you never want to hear your drives make, so I decided to replace that drive while it still worked. 7 thoughts on “ How to quickly combine multiple Photos libraries in OS X ” Sylvain LE BOUCHER February 10, 2016 at 2:08 pm. Thanks a lot, finally a solution to merge my libraries quite easily. It just change the date of the video Do you have a solution to keep the date inchanged? I have multiple Photos libraries backed up on external hard drives. My SSD hard drive on my Mac isn't large enough to hold them all. When I open one of them, it says 'iCloud features for Photos are only available in the System Photos Library'. I'd like to have all of my libraries viewable through iCloud as a single source.

Merge Two Photos LibrariesMerge two photos libraries mac

My question is I’m starting to travel and my backup drive is a platter drive. I purchased a external SSD drive for my travels. Is it possible to copy the contents of my old archived drive to the new SSD drive and have each drive still be available if I plug both in?


I manually moved the old drive pictures (same file structure) and then told Lightroom to find the photos. It found them ok but it did not migrate any of my picks or edits? I ended up telling Lightroom to find the location on my old drive and now it ok?


Merge Two Photos Libraries


So know I have this new drive with all my photos unsynced with Lightroom. Any suggestions?

Merge Two Photo Libraries Mac
