Vray Presets

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This page provides information on the Presets dialog.



The V-Ray presets dialog is accessible via the Presets button on the System rollout, when the Advanced or Expert UI mode is displayed.

Vray Presets Download

The presets dialog saves the various parameters of V-Ray into a text file which can be reloaded again quickly. Currently the presets are stored in a file called vray.cfg in the plugcfg sub-folder of the 3ds Max root folder.

In the left part of the dialogue are listed all of the presets in the vray.cfg file. In the right part are listed all of V-Ray's roll-outs. You can select which roll-outs you want saved to or loaded from a preset.

UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > Settings tab > System rollout > Presets... button Presets

||Render Setup window|| > Settings tab > System rollout > Presets... button
(When Advanced or Expert UI mode is displayed)

Saving a Preset


Type the name of the preset into the edit box in the left part of the dialogue.

Select the roll-outs you want to save from the right part of the dialogue.

Press the Save button. The preset will appear in the presets list. If a preset with that name already exists, it will be overwritten.

Loading a Preset

Select the preset you want to load from the list on the left.

Select the roll-outs you want to load from the list on the right.

Press the Load button. The relevant parameters will be loaded from the preset. Note that you may need to open and close the Render dialogue to see the changes.

Vray presets for 3ds max 2014


Vray Preset Download

  • The type of the anti-aliasing filter is not stored in the preset.

Notes on Global DMC

Adaptive amount: 0.85 –
Lower values will increase the quality by not allowing Vray to lower the subdivisions for materials and lights deemed low importance, (distant lights and objects, darker objects)

Noise Threshold: .005 to .002
This is the maximum allowed difference in pixel value on a floating point scale.
See it as a 1/1000 contrast ratio.
Inputting .002 is telling Vray to keep shooting more samples and sub divide pixels until adjacent pixels are within this range.
This is why Vray has a tough time with very high changes in brightness because it will never achieve this tolerance.
That is where the maximum image sample limit kicks in and stops it from endlessly sampling.

Vray Presets For 3ds Max

Min subdivs: 16
A quick way to raise the lowest quality areas.

Global subdiv multiplier: 1.5 – 2.0
An easy way to increase the quality of lights and glossy reflections in your scene.
In simple scenes you can really ramp this number up, assuming your materials and lights have a low subdivision figure (8-16 or so).
Just remember that the Irradiance map subdivisions will also multiply.