
This “genetically enhanced” first-person shooter lets you do things never before possible in the genre.

Bioshock The Collection

Turn everything into a weapon, biologically mod your body with plasmids, hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants, and experiment with different battle techniques.

Get the latest information on BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite. BioShock: Directed by Ken Levine. With John Ahlin, Greg Baldwin, Jane Beller, Susanne Blakeslee. In 1960, a lone survivor of a plane crash named Jack discovers an abandoned underwater utopia, only to find out that the mystery behind its creation is much more sinister than he first believed.


After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea. Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn. BioShock forces you to question the lengths to which you will go and how much of your humanity you will sacrifice…to save your own life.

Bioshock 4Bioshock

BioShock is loaded with some of greatest, most modifiable weapons to ever blast their way into a shooter. But guns alone won’t be enough to defeat the devious AIs of Rapture. There are literally hundreds of other strategies players can use to take out his enemies. Here’s just a few things you can do a foe:

• Catch his Grenades in Mid Air and Toss Them Back at Him
• Freeze Him Solid and Shatter Him with Smack of your Wrench
• Lead him and his comrades to water and Zap them all with 1000 Volts
• Burn Him Up With Home-Made Molotov Cocktails
• Booby Trap Healing Machines and Watch Them Blow up IN his Face
• Brainwash Him to Become Your Personal BodyGuard
• Invent your own Ammo Types to Prey on his Vulnerabilities
• Turn his own Security System Against Him
• Light Him on Fire and Launch Heat Seeking Missiles At him
• Torment Him with Plagues of Insects
• Take Research Photos of Him to Learn his Weaknesses
• Send Him Flying into the Ceiling to Knock him Senseless


Bioshock Elizabeth

Bioshock 4

Bioshock Big Daddy

• Take control of your world by hacking mechanical devices, commandeering security turrets and crafting unique items critical to your very survival.
• Upgrade your weapons with ionic gels, explosives and toxins to customize them to the enemy and environment.
• Genetically modify your body through dozens of Plasmid Stations scattered throughout the city, empowering you with fantastic and often grotesque abilities.
• Explore a living world powered by Ecological A.I., where the inhabitants have interesting and consequential relationships with one another that impact your gameplay experience.
• Experience truly next generation graphics that vividly illustrate the forlorn art deco city, highlighted by the most detailed and realistic water effects ever developed in a video game.
• Make meaningful choices and mature decisions, ultimately culminating in the grand question: do you exploit the innocent survivors of Rapture or save them?