Harvard Simulation Answers

This Data Analytics Simulation: Strategic Decision Making case study introduces the power of analytics in decision-making. As the brand manager for laundry detergent, one must implement decisions to boost brand performance through the application of sophisticated analytic techniques. This is geared to determining issues and strategies which could help a company in the long run.

​Thomas H. Davenport
Harvard Business School Publishing (7050-HTM-ENG)
Feb 24, 2016

Scenario:Jordan Webb, a current master’s student, negotiates via email (simultaneously) with two tech firms who are potential employers. Both firms have offered to create a new position for Jordan, as the Director of. Harvard Marketing Simulation Answers. 1 in Harvard & Ivey Case Solution & Analysis and Case Study Help. Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. Marketing Simulation 2015 Q2 Kaplan.

Case questions answered:

Case study questions answered in the first solution:

  1. Based on the data available to you prior to making your first set of decisions, and every set thereafter, what problems did you uncover?
  2. What role did social media play as informative data in helping you make decisions, specifically note some examples?
  3. Based on round to round evidence, what was your strategy (in other words, how did you use the data analytics available to you for simulation to make decisions prior to each year?
  4. What lessons can you draw about the use of these types of analytics? How easy is it to use them? What factors might make them more valuable within an organization?
  5. How difficult do you think it would be to assemble and integrate all the data for a system like this?
  6. Can you see any downsides to this type of management? What might invalidate the or PayPal, you agree to our Terms of Use, Arbitration and Class Action Waiver Agreement and Privacy Policy.
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Change Management Simulation: Power And Influence Case Study Solution

Adoption Phase

The adoption phase of simulation-3 was better than all the other simulations as the adoption phases were continuously at increasing trends as from mobilize stage to sustain the stage. Whereas the adoption phases of simulation-2 and simulation-4 were increasing but with a constant trend, and the simulation-1 demonstrated a constant trend in terms of the adoption phase.

Change Efficiency Ratio

The change efficiency ratio of simulation-3 was better than the change efficiency ratio of other simulations, which demonstrated the overall change efficiency of these simulations. It is rated in terms of medium to low. However, none of the simulations achieved a high efficiency ratio, still the simulation-3 achieved a medium efficiency ratio as compared to the simulation-2 and simulation-4, which achieved lower efficiency ratios.

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Course Learning

From the change management simulation: Power and Influence we have learned how to lead and manage the change within the organization as well as the application of appropriate tools to mobilize the commitment to a change initiative. Along with it, we’ve also learnt the understanding of four steps of change management (i.e. change awareness, interest, trial and adoption) and the behavior of the people in response to the change in the environment.(The Impact of Change and Change Management in Achieving Corporate Goals and Objectives: Organizational Perspective)

Application of Learnings

The above learnings can be applied in various scenarios various situations at a particular position in the company. The different application of the above learnings are as follows:

Harvard Everest Simulation Answers

Application-1 Implementation of Change in Organizational Structure

As a CEO of a company, from the learnings of change management simulation: power and influence, it would be easier for me to implement the organizational structure change within the organization. I would be able to apply the four stages of change management (i.e. change awareness, interest, trial and adoption), which eventually plays a vital role in the success of the implementation of changed management.

Application-2 Reducing the employee Resistance

Harvard Business Simulation Answers

As a CEO of the company I will be able to reduce the employees’ resistance,which are rising as a consequences of changes in the management from the key takeaways of change management: power and influence. As I would be able to understand the changing behavior, the adoption rate, and the efficiency of change with respect to the employees from different simulation run. Thus, taking measures to reduce the resistance would be manageable for me.


Similarities and Differences among the Simulation of Team Members

There are number of similarities with respect to the simulations I have observed from my team members. For the first simulation run we almost failed to achieve the desired results as our visions were not clear. Later on, we all improved in our simulation run and performed better than the first simulation run. Considering ourselves as a CEO impacted the overall simulation results of all of us,as we were able to achieve better results by being a CEO as compared to when we considered over selves as Directors of Product Innovation.

I observed various differences in terms of the results obtained as well. As the desired results of all of us were different,because of the approach we used for simulation run. My team members were able to achieve the adoption phase of sustainability in early weeks where as I failed to achieve it in early weeks, which could’ve been because of the fact that the mobility and movement stage took longer weeks for me, which impacted on the credibility and change efficiency rate of my simulation run. The efficiency rates of my team members were significantly higher as compared to mine, because of their efficient simulation run. (i.e. the awareness and interest stage of change management was achieved in early weeks).

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Takeaways from Team Discussion

From the team discussion; the biggest takeaway is the importance of awareness and interest stage in the change management as it is crucial for the implementation of any change within the company. Also the efficiency rate of change management will only achieve its optimum level when the change is acceptable by the employees. The number of adopters will only increase if you succeed in creating an awareness as well as an interest among the people…………

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Harvard Change Management Simulation Answers

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