Toontown Online Field Office

Sellbot Field Offices enter Toontown by taking over a Toon HQ, the safe zone of a dangerous street. Sellbot Field Offices are unique in that they aren't defeated after just one run. Every run takes Toons through a Field Office Annex, a single wing of the entire building. Each Annex acts as a health point for the entire Field Office. Disney's Toontown Online, commonly abbreviated Toontown Online or Toontown, was an MMORPG developed by The Walt Disney Company that was designed for ages seven and up. It is the subject of this wiki. First introduced in the United States on June 2, 2003, Disney had since produced versions of. Field Offices from Toontown Online were originally referred to in development as 'Cog-dominiums'. Based on several concept artworks and mentions of the game's code, Toontown Online had plans for a Cashbot, Lawbot, and Bossbot Field Office, but only the Sellbot variation was released.

We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
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< Disney's Toontown Online

This is a sub-page of Disney's Toontown Online.

To do:
Add the rest of the models. Retake the pictures with a computer not using Intel integrated Graphics (the textures can glitch, look at Castle House picture).

Scrapped Houses

There are unused alternate models for what were likely supposed to be interchangeable exterior houses for the Estate. Although they were found on the Test Server files, it was never implemented in the actual game. The models, however, were added to the regular client files. Each model is named tt_m_ara_est_house_*.bam, except for the Rustic House which is simply named houseB.bam.

The last one was the original house model that were used for when Estates were first released and used in two of the Goofy Speedway racetracks.

  • Cupcake House. The doors are strangely reversed on the model.

  • Castle House. Notice the weird pink plane at the top right corner.

  • Teepee House.

  • Tiki House.

  • Rustic House. It was supposed to use the default doors.

Debug Leftovers

The developers apparently forgot to remove some development models from the client game files.

  • A XYZ axis (phase_3modelspropsxyzaxis.bam)

  • A white sphere (phase_3modelsmiscsphere.bam)

Trolley Tracks Leftover

Located in Phase_4, a leftover from the Trolley Tracks game can be found, which was later removed in May 2012.

Toontown online field offices

Unused Cog Building

Toontown Online Field Offices

In the files, there is a model of an unused Cog Building for the Cashbots. According to the source code leak in June 2020, This is actually one of the earliest leftovers.

Scrapped Legal Eagle Field Office

To do:
Make this into a section on the main page if any functions remain.

Called Field Offices in-game, the Cog Dominiums were defined by Disney in a 2012 document as 'where the Cogs come from'. Unfortunately, Disney shut down the game's servers before the 'Field Offices' were fully released. A lot of models are in the game's files, and old Disney members published concept art on the Internet.

To do:
Add more screenshots of the scrapped models.
  • A scrapped elevator. The textures are very different from the released Field Offices.

  • The barrel room. It's very detailed, but seems incomplete (missing one elevator).

  • A barrel from the barrel room. Notice the different Laff Meter.

  • A texture for the barrel when it was already used. Weirdly enough, the texture is contained in an empty model.

  • A pile of safes.

  • The Legal Eagle painting that showed once on the public game due to a glitch.

  • The scrapped silver trophy from Lawbot Field Office.

  • The same trophy but in gold. Notice that the gear texture is misaligned with the model.

  • Unused version of the Laff barrel from earlier. It may be a placeholder.

Unused Sellbot Camera

An unusual-looking camera that is found in the Sellbot HQ files. It was probably removed because it was too colorful and did not contrast with the dull setting of the Cog Headquarters. Animations for the model exist.

Cog Attack Leftovers

Deep within the phase files, a model for a cigarette can be found along with a Cog attack. It was removed for obvious reasons.

Unused C.E.O. Golf Kart

To do:
Make a mockup out of this?

A custom vehicle was made for the C.E.O., much like the C.J. For whatever reason, it was scrapped, and he was given the generic tank vehicle which the V.P. and C.F.O uses.

Unused Toon Party Decoration

There was going to be a merry-go-round for Toon parties that was scrapped for unknown reasons.

Mallet Gag

Toontown online field office

Toontown Online Field Office

A mallet with a punching glove inside was originally going to be a Gag. The concept of the Gag was that the Toon would pull out a mallet and the head would open up to a punching glove that would punch the Cog. According to an interview, this model was made before Gag Tracks were implemented in the game which probably explains the early texture.

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